Hi Friends!  we have celebrated 150th birth anniversery of Gandhiji and as it is 150th anniversery there is a very high chance for asking questions about gandhiji & his life . So we should be prepared for  such questions. 
                  So that our team has already been made such a quiz which contains 50 questions about Gandhiji and his life. You can download the pdf file  from the link given below and should comment your marks, also you can watch the video of Gandhi quiz which included additional informations also



                 Indian nationalist leader Gandhi was born on october -2 1869 in porbanddher India which was then part of the Brithish empire Gandhis father Karamchandh Gandhi served  as a chief minister in porbandher and aslo in others states in western india. His mother, puthly, was a deeply religious woman who fasted regularly.
             Yung Gandhi was a shy boy, un-remarkable student who was so timid that he slept with the lights on even as a teenager.
                            Gandhi returned to active politics in  1930 to protest Britan's salt acts, which not only prohibited Indians from collecting or selling salt- A dietery stapple- But imposed a heavy tax that hit the countries poorest particulary hard. Gnadhii planned a new sathyagraha campaign, The salt march that entiled a 380Km/240-mile march to the arabian sea, where he would collect salt in symbolic diffence of the Govt. monopoly

 Gandhis Role in Indian independence :

                         As great Britain found itself in engulfed in world war -2 in 1942 Gandhi launched the "Quit India" movement that cold for the immediate British withdrawal from the country.
                                         In August 1942, The British arrested Gandhi his wife and other leaders of the Indian national conngress and detained them in the Agakhan palace jail at Pune in Maharashtra.

  Assassination of Mahathma:

                                      On January 30, 1948, 78-year- Old Gandhi shoot and killed by Hindu extremist Nathuram Godse,who was upset at Gandhi's tolerency of Muslims 

                                                weakened from repeated hunger strikes Gandhi clung to his 2 grand nieces as the led from his living quartars in NewDelhi's Birla house to a light afternoon prayer meeting. Godse knelt before the Mhathma before pulling out a semi automatic pistol and shooting him three times at ponit- blank range. The vioent act took the life of a pacifist who spent his life preaching non violence. 
                                Even after Gandhis assassination, his commitment to non violence and his believe in simple living making  his on clothes eating a vegetarian diet and using fasts for self, purification as well as a means of protest, have been a beacon of hope for oppressed and marginalised people through out the world.

                                                      CHARKA USED BY GANDHIJ

                                                             GANDHIJI AND PATEL



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