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The first clear expression of nationalism came with the French revolution in 1789 France as you to remember was a full-fledged territorial state in 1789 on the role of an absolute Monarch the political and constitutional change that came in the wake of 

            The French Revolution it to the transfer of the sovereignty from the body of transitions the revolution Pro climate that you see people who would and scope of the constitution the martian initiate destiny from the very beginning the French revolutionaries introduced the various measures and practices that could create a sense of collective identity among 

                                    The French people the radius of a la patrie the fatherland and the citizen emphasizes the nation of United community enjoying equal rights under a constitution and you French flag the tricolour was to send to replace the former Royal standard the state general was elected by the a body of active citizens and rename the national assembly new finance were composed oath taken and markers coming narrated helpful in the name of 

                                       The nation is centralised administration system was put in place and it is formulated a uniform loss for all citizens within a secretary internal customers in duties and use where is velocity and uniform system of weights and measures adopted regional dialect excellent work discouraged and French as it was spoken and written in Paris became the common language of the nation the revolutionaries for the declared that it was the mission at the distance of the French Connection to liberate the people of Europe from despotism in other ways to help other people of the Europe to become Nations when the news of the events in France reached the Different cities of Europe with sand sand students and other members of the educated middle classes begin fitting upto jacobin club and their activities and campaigns prepared the way for the French army which wood into coal and Belgium Switzerland and much of Italy in the 79 30 with the outbreak of the Revolutionary was the French army is big and to carry the idea of nationalism abroad within the widest vaat of the territory that came under the control Napoleon set about introducing many of the reforms that had already introduced in France to a return to 

                                 Monika Napoleon had no doubt destroy democracy in France but in the administrative field he had incorporated a Revolutionary principles in order to make the whole system more rational and efficiently the Civil Code of 1804 usually known as the Napoleon ko did away with the privileges based on birth established equality before the law and secured the right to property is code was exported to 

                                 The regions under 5 control International Public in Switzerland and Italy and Germany nepolean simplified administrative divisions abolished the feudal system and afraid questions from serfdom and manorial dues in the towns to Guild restrictions were removed transport and communication system for improved persons editions Markets and the new Businessman Android and you found of freedom Businessman and small scale producers of goods in particular brand you realise that uniform

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