1)നോബൽ പുരസ്‌കാരം തുടങ്ങിയ വർഷം ?

2) നോബൽ നേടിയ ആദ്യ സംഘടന ?
-ഇൻസ്റ്റിറ്റ്യൂട്ട് ഓഫ് ഇന്റർനാഷണൽ ലോ 

3)നോബൽ നേടിയ ആദ്യ വനിത ?
-മാഡം മേരി ക്യുറി 

4)സാഹിത്യത്തിന് നോബൽ നേടിയ ഏക പ്രധാനമന്ത്രി ?
-വിൻസ്റ്റൺ ചർച്ചിൽ 

5)നോബൽ നേടിയ അമ്മയും മകളും ?
-മഠം ക്യുറി , ഐറിൻ ജോലിയോ ക്യുറി 

6) സമാധാന നോബൽ നേടുന്ന ആദ്യ ഇന്ത്യൻ ?
-മദർ തെരേസ 

7) സാമ്പത്തിക നോബൽ നേടുന്ന ആദ്യ ഏഷ്യൻ ?
-അമൃത്യ സെൻ 

8) സാമ്പത്തിക ശാസ്ത്ര നോബൽ നേടുന്ന രണ്ടാമത്തെ ഇന്ത്യൻ ?
-അഭിജിത് ബാനർജീ 

9) നോബൽ നേടിയ ആദ്യ ആഫ്രിക്കൻ വനിത?
-വങ്കാരി മത്തായി 

10)രണ്ട് വ്യത്യസ്ത മേഖലകളിൽ പങ്കുവെക്കപ്പെടാതെ നോബൽ സമ്മാനം ലഭിച്ച ആദ്യ ശാസ്ത്രജ്ഞൻ ?
-ലീനസ് പോളിംഗ് 


1) RABINDRANATH TAGORE (1913) : Rabindranth tagore was the first indian ever to recieve a nobel pricze. Poularly known as gurudev, Indias poet laureate Tagore was born on may 07 1861 in kolkata. 

                                          He was awarded the nobel prize for literature in recognition of his work Gitanjali a collection of poem, in 1913Gitanjali and Sadhana are among his important works.He is also the author of our national Anthem, In 1901 he founded the famous santhinikethan which later came in to known as vishwabarathi university.

2) CHANDRASHEKARA VENKITTA RAMAN (1930) : India's first nobel prize for physics was claimed in 1930 by the renowned physicist sir CV Raman. Born at Thiruchirappilly in Thamilnadu. Rman studied at presidency college Chennai. Later, he served as professor of physics at calcutta university. Recipient of many honours and awards, Including the title of sir. Sir CV Raman received the nobel prize for  an important optics research, In which he discovered that diffused light contained rays other wavelength-what is now popularly known as Raman effect.  His theory discovered in  1928 explained the change in the frequency of  light passing through a transparent medium.

3) HARGOBIND KHORANA (1968) : Hargobind Khorana waas awarded the nobel prize for medicine in 1968. of indian origin, Dr khorana was born in raipur punjab ( now in Pakistan ) He took his doctoral degree in chemistry from liverpool university and joined the university and joined the university of wiscosin as a faculty member in 1960. His major brekthrough in the field of medicine interpreting the genetic code and analysing the the function in protein synthesis fetched him the Nobel prize.

4) MOTHER THERESA (1979) : The nobel peace prize was awarded to mother theresea in 1979, of Albania parentage Angnes Gonxha Bojaxhiiu was born at skopje, Now in yugoslovia. She joined the irish  order of the sister of loretto at dublin in  1928, And came to kolkata in 1929 as a missionary, only to found the misery of abandoned and the destitute. Concern for thee poor and thhe sickprompted her to found a new congregation, Missionaries of charity.Having become an Indian citizen. Mother theresea served the cause of dying destitutes, lepers and drug addicts through , Nirmal hriday  ( meaning pure heart ) the main centre of her activity. Her selfless service and unique devotion, not only to helpless fellow Indiansbut also to the cause of world peace, earned her and India the first nobel peace prize.

5) SUBRAMANIAN CHANDRASHEKAR (1983) : The nobel prize for physics in 1983 wasawarded to Dr. Channdrashekar, an indian born astro physicst. Educated in presidency college chennai, Dr chandrachekar happened to be the nephew of his nobel for bear CV Raman. He later migrated to united states where he authored several books astro physics and stellar dynamics. He developed a theory on white stars dwarf stars which post a limit of mass of dwarf stars known also as chandrashekar limit. His theory explainns the final stages of stellar evolution.

6) AMRITYA SEN (1998) : PROF.  Amrithya sen was the recipient of the nobel prize for eonomis in  the year 1998. became the first asian to have been honoured with the award. The santhinikethan born eeconomist who is a pioneer in welfare economics has to credit several books and papers on aspects of welfare and development. AN economist with a difference, prof. sen was an humanist. He has distinguished him self from with standing writing on famine, poverty, democracy,gender and social issues. The impossibility theorem  suggested esrlier by kenneth Arrow states that it was not possible to aggregate individual choices in to a satisfactory choicee for society as a whole. Prof. Sen showed mathematically that societies could find ways to alleviate such a poor out come.

6) VENKITTA RAMAN RAMAKRISHNAN (2009) : Venkitta raman ramakrishanan was awarded witn the nobel prize for chemistry in 2009 for the studies of the structure and functions of ribosome, molecular machiene and makes protieens. He was born chidambaram Thmil Nadu. Dr.Ramakrishnan earned his degree in Bsc. physycs in 1971from MS university in Baroda, GUJARATH . And phd in physics from ohio university in USA. Making a transition from physics to biology. He studiedd a mollecule called  rhodopsin, as a graduate student in biology At the University of California, san diego from 1978.

7) KAILASH SATYARTHY (2014) : The nobel piece prize for 2014 was awarded to kailash sathyarthy for struggle against the suppression of children and young people and for the right of all children to education. Sthyarthy was born in vidisha, Madya pradesh. He completed his degree from electrical engineering and a post graduate degree in high voltage engineering. 

  • In 1980 he left his career as an electrical engineer to setup Bachpan Bachao Andolan ( save childhood movement )
 He also heads the global march against child labour, a movement to mobilize worldwide effort to protect and promote all right of children. 

8) ABIJITH VINAYAK BANERJEE : Mr Banerjee is the latest and the 8th Nobel laurete from India, He is an Indian american person, born in bombay, India he was the HOD of the presidency college calcutta. Banerjee is currently the ford foundation international professor of economics at the Massachusetts institute of technology. In 2013 he was named by  the united nations secretary general ban ki moon to a panel of experts tasked with updating the millennium development goals  after 2015.

  • His famous books are Volatility and growth, Making aid work,History of poverty measurement.Good economics for hard times etc.

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